Encircled between the lands that once belonged to the Republic of Venice and the ancient Patriarchate of Aquileia, the origins of what would later become Friuli, rises the DOC region of Lison Pramaggiore, a rich, wine-producing area known since ancient Roman times, and which then flourished under the rule of the Serenissima.

At the end of the Great War, Lison and its surroundings became particularly associated with the cultivation of vines: so much so that the Tocai DOC produced here now takes its name from this place.
It is here, in this area suspended between land and water, located even today along the Wine Road of the Doges, that San Osvaldo selects its wines of excellent quality and exquisite taste, with their twofold connection to the historical, evocative region from which they originate.

Characterized by a temperate climate, due to the proximity of the sea and the rivers Livenza and Tagliamento, the DOC region of Lison Pramaggiore is affected by the influence of the Bora and Scirocco winds that alternate in the area, creating a strong thermal excursion in the daytime. The soil, predominantly clay-based, but with the addition of a thin, limestone layer near the surface, is also rich in organic and mineral substances with excellent water capacity.